Cukurova University,Department of Textile Engineering, Main Branch of Textile Technology

November 17, 2024

Investigation of the oxidative selfpolymerization of dopamine under alkaline conditions on wool fabrics

Most studies about polydopamine in the textile field have been related to cotton fibers. There are not many studies about the use of polydopamine on wool fibers. A limited number of studies have focused on the coloring of wool, whereas wool is the fiber with the highest variety of intermolecular attraction forces among all natural and man-made fibers. 

Polydopamine contains high amounts of catechol and amine functional groups due to its structure. In this study, different from the literature, oxidative self polymerization of dopamine was achieved on wool fabric for different periods of time, and the coated fabrics were examined with characterization tests and spectrophotometrically. 

In this study, lower values were obtained than lightness (L*) values reported for other fibers in previous studies, and it was concluded that the wool-PDA interaction is superior to other fibers. Scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy results showed that the polymerization and nano-coating formed successfully and continued to remain on the surface after washing. 

The lowest lightness value was obtained in the 32 h coating. However, the lowest color change after washing was in the 16 h coating (0.44%). This result showed that the coating was completed within 16–32 hours and there was only accumulation on the surface in the later times.

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Akademik Dergiler Işığında Türk Üniversiteleri ve Akademisinin Dünyadaki Konumu

Ülkemizde bilime verilen değer her geçen gün artmaktadır ve üniversitelerimizin paydaşların beklentilerini karşılama noktasında eksiklikleri olduğu son dönemde sıklıkla belirtilmektedir.  Üniversitelerin bilgi üretme düzeyleri ve akademik performansları dünya çapında çok farklı kurum ve kuruluşlar tarafından yapılan akademik değerlendirmelerde, ilk 500’e ve ilk 1.000’deki üniversitelerimizin sayısının giderek azaldığı görülmektedir. Bu değerlendirmelerin ortak noktası, Web of Science  atıf dizinindeki makale sayısı ve atıf sayısı verilerini esas almalarıdır.  

Üniversitelerimizin ve Türk akademik hayatının dünyadaki konumunun iyileştirilmesine yönelik yapılan çalışma ve tartışmalarda, Türkiye adresli olarak yapılan yayınlar, atıflar ve projeler gibi birçok parametre araştırılmaktadır. Ancak Türk akademik hayatının dünyadaki konumunun incelenmesinde akademik dergilerimizin durumu ve konumu, göz ardı edilen bir konudur. Türk üniversitelerinin ve akademisyenlerinin durumunu, Türk akademik dergilerinin durumundan ayrı düşünmek mümkün değildir. Türk akademik dergi yayıncılığın durumu Türk üniversitelerinin dünyadaki konumunun gerilemesindeki önemli nedenlerden birisidir. 

Web of Science atıf dizininde yer alan Türkiye adresli  dergilerin sayısı ve nitelikleri, ülkemizin potansiyeli düşünüldüğünde hayli yetersiz düzeydedir. Türk akademik dergilerinde birçok problem göze çarpmaktadır. Bu kitapta akademik dergilerimizin  dünyadaki konumunun önemi incelenmiş, durum tespiti yapılarak nedenleri tartışılmış ve iyileştirilmesine yönelik önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

ISBN: 978-625-7667-04-3
Baskı Tarihi: Ocak 2021
EKİN Basım Yayın Dağıtım
Şehreküstü Mah. Cumhuriyet Cad.
Durak Sk. No: 2 Osmangazi / BURSA
Tel .: (0.224) 220 16 72 - 223 04 37
Fax.: (0.224) 223 41 12

November 14, 2024

Fabrication of Cu2O plated carbon fabrics via electrochemical deposition method

Functional fabrics have many advanced applications to meet the expectations of the end-user industry. There is a variety of approaches to impart functional properties to the fabrics including coatings, the addition of functional fillers, surface modifications, etc. 

Metallization techniques are also a good candidate to impart functionalities to textile fabrics. On the other hand, Cu2O is a diamagnetic solid that has a variety of applications from flexible electronics to gas sensing. 

In this study, one of the simplest plating techniques, the electroplating method, was applied to carbon fabric to provide Cu2O coating on the surface which can add the advantages of metal oxides on carbon fabric. 

The Cu2O particles were observed on the surface of carbon fabric using SEM and the elemental composition of the surface was investigated using the EDS method. The crystal structure of the coating was identified using the X-ray diffraction technique and Raman spectroscopy. 

To confirm the achieved structure, FTIR analysis was performed as well. The newly fabricated structure can be a promising candidate for supercapacitors, electromagnetic shielding materials, dielectric surfaces, etc.


October 08, 2023

Opportunities Offered by Image Processing Technology in Textile and Apparel

Humans have always used their senses to assess the quality of products at the personal level or in the industry. For example, when buying fruit, people examine the fruit for the parameters they consider are important for assessing its quality such as colour, uniformity of colour, surface roughness, size, shape, surface defect. However, they are not able to assess internal damages or constituents of the fruit because their vision is limited to visible spectrum which is part of a vast electromagnetic spectra. Also, in industrial situations, assessment of objects can be affected by tiredness and fatigue of inspectors as well as different inspectors may assess the required quality parameters differently. Machine vision that involves collecting information from objects in visible or other spectra and analyzing the obtained information using image processing steps can assess the quality consistently over a long period as well as assess the internal and external quality parameters. With advances in high quality sensors (cameras) for different spectra, computing power of computers, and ease of developing software for a specific application, it has been possible to apply machine vision to many fields covered in this book.

Chapter 7- Opportunities Offered by Image Processing Technology in Textile and Apparel
Abdurrahman Telli
Department of Textile Engineering, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey

ABSTRACT: Resolution, speed, and quality of image acquisition systems have made great advances in recent years. In addition to this, the development of the software industry offers significant opportunities in many areas. The textile and apparel sector is one of these areas. Image processing studies provide new techniques in textile characterization. In textile quality control, it can replace the subjective evaluations that can lead to wrong evaluation results due to people’s inexperience, fatigue, and differences in perspectives. Image processing offers objective evaluation opportunities. In fabric defect detection, it helps to find defects either online or offline that the human eye cannot perceive. It prevents material and time wastage and increases quality. With the processing of the images taken from body scanning devices, more accurate information is obtained for clothing patterns. Digital libraries have been created by processing fiber, yarn, and fabric images. Design programs that include all stages from the yarn to the image of the garment on the model have been started to be used. Image processing offers opportunities to eliminate the damages caused by the fast fashion trend. In this chapter, current and potential usage possibilities of image processing technology in textile and apparel fields are discussed.

ISBN: 979-8-88697-975-6

Publication Date: September 15, 2023

Original Language: English

Document type: Book/ Restricted Access

Publisher: Nova Science

