Cukurova University,Department of Textile Engineering, Main Branch of Textile Technology

November 08, 2020

The Use of Nanomaterials in Functional Textiles

This compilation presents a detailed review of current research, developments, and progress on nanotechnology usage for the elimination of dyes from effluents released by textile industries. The benefits of using nanomaterials for functionalized textile production are presented, and the applications of nanomaterials in the most known functional technical textiles are discussed. The authors present the results of empirical studies carried out in the Portuguese industrial context, including the textile sector, where the relationship between negative effects associated with shift work and the adoption of certain management practices by organizations is analyzed. Additionally, the authors discuss how, to achieve the Fourth Industrial Revolution, technological tools must be incorporated into both the production and consumption of textiles. The closing study indicates that it is possible to make objective pilling detection easily for standard fabric structures in the textile industry using databases created by measuring lots of samples.

Chapter 2. The Use of Nanomaterials in Functional Textiles (Mahmut Tas and Abdurrahman Telli, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, and Department of Textile Engineering, Cukurova University, Adana, Turkey)

ABSTRACT: Nanosized materials are becoming more and more popular in almost every field of the industry. Technical textiles are one of the major applications of nanomaterials and there are many commercialized nanoparticles functionalized textiles on the market such as electromagnetic interference shielding materials, flame retardant textiles, UV-protective fabrics, etc. The compatibility of conventional textile processes for nanoparticle applications and reduced nanomaterial production costs are made much faster to produce commercialized nanoparticle functionalized textiles. 

Nanoclays, carbon-based nanomaterials, and metal-based nanopowders are the most commonly used nanomaterials in functional textiles. It is possible to produce nanomaterial functionalized textile by adding nanoparticles into polymer melt or solution for synthetic fibres, or surface treatment of fiber or textile materials. 

In this chapter of the book, the benefits of using nanomaterials for functionalized textile production will be presented. Applications of nanomaterials in the most known functional technical textiles, (flame retardant, antimicrobial, electromagnetic interference shielding, UV-protective, superhydrophobic, and wrinkle resistive) will be discussed.

ISBN: 978-1-53618-770-0

Publication Date: October 30, 2020

Original Language: English

Document type: Book/ Restricted Access

Publisher: Nova Science



September 08, 2020

The Relationship Between Subjective Pilling Evaluation Results and Detecting Pills and Textural Features in Knitted Fabrics

The digital image processing studies are used in order to eliminate problems of subjective pilling evaluation. However, these applications did not come to the desired point. The purpose of this research is to put forward with explanations about the reasons for the failures of previous studies in objective pilling evaluation. In this study, three issues were dwelled on. Firstly, data belong to original fabrics (0 turns) were taken into consideration. Secondly, data were standardized using min-max normalization with a feature scaling approach to compare different fabrics. For this process, data after pilling and results belong to original fabrics (0 turns) were taken together. Thirdly, knitted fabrics were separated into different categories according to formed pill types and characteristics after pilling processing. The results were evaluated in the most appropriate category according to the pill’s structure. Two sample fabrics containing appropriate structure and characteristics which were able to explain the three overlooked issues were used. In digital image processing made by paying attention to these mentioned three points, both pill parameters and textural features obtained from digital images were determined. The relationships between these parameters and subjective evaluation results were examined.

Source: Fibers and Polymers

Publisher: The Korean Fiber Society (KFS)

Original Language: English

Document type: Article / Restricted Access



March 25, 2020

Usage of Co-mingling Process in Production of Metal Hybrid Yarn

In this study, polyamide 6.6 yarns with copper, silver and stainless steel metal monofilaments were combined in intermingling machine by commingling method. 

The purpose of this paper is to develop a fast and cost-effective alternative method for production of hybrid yarns containing metal filaments. Microscope images of the produced hybrid yarns were taken. Linear density, breaking force, breaking elongation and hairiness were measured in these yarns. It has been observed that the use of metal filament has a negative effect on yarn quality values. 

The best yarn properties were obtained from hybrid yarn containing stainless steel. Filament breakage were determined in the production of hybrid yarns containing silver and especially copper metals. It was determined that this filament breakages can be an important problem for subsequent processing steps such as weaving or knitting. In the future studies, the hybrid yarn properties can be optimized by changes on process parameters of intermingling machine and metal filament properties.


October 16, 2019

Soilless Cotton & Non-Petroleum Polyester- Potential Opportunities for Sustainability in Textiles

Today, most of people who start off for an environmentally friendly application do more damage to sustainability compared with conventional methods. 

Therefore, this book primarily aims to understand real sustainable production. 

Secondly, it is emphasized in this book that wastes of textiles and garments constitute a major environmental load. 

At this point, it is pointed out that recycling is the best solution for humanity. 

It is highlighted that recycling presents us the opportunity to obtain “soilless cotton” and “non-petroleum polyester”. 

This book examines these two recycled fibers that have important potentials for sustainability by using arguments obtained from the author's knowledges, experiences, researches and latest literature. 

Finally, it is pointed out that habitat provided by people who do the right things for sustainability are begun to be abused by malicious ones. 

This book describes how to become true environmentalists, how real environmentalists can recognized and the main principles of sustainability and recycling in textiles. 

This book gives suggestions to producer, consumer, academicians and researchers in this field.

ISBN: 978-605-327-928-0
Publication Date: August 2019
Original Language: English
Document type: Book/ Restricted Access
Publisher: EKİN Basım Yayın Dağıtım
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